Finding Direct Download links for Specific type of Files Using Google Dorks (advanced search)

There are a lot of fake downloading websites on the web faking the download links for a song or for a movie or for any other kind of file just for the ad traffic.

Although anyone can easily find the original links for that specific file you are searching all over the web using a google dork query

A Google dork query, sometimes just referred to as a dork, is a search string that uses advanced search operators to find information that is not readily available on a website.
Commonly used search operators include:
site: restricts query results to a certain site or domain.
filetype: restricts query results to mp4 files or other specific file types.
intext: restricts results to those content records that contain specific words or phrases.

You can use different type of queries to narrow down your results or to find a specific type of file on the web, so for example you are trying to download a movie you can do that by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Fire up your favorite Web Browser and then open google search home page ( or you can directly start typing the query instead in the address bar of the browser if google is your default search engine

Step 2: Paste the code in the Google Search Box

For example, If you want to Download the movie “Fault In Our Stars” then you will search:

Step 3: After Searching you will get a Search results, to download the movie you have searched for click on any of the direct links and it'will start downloading :)

Note: Sometimes After opening a Link you will get to see 100 hundreds of Movie Names in the list, Don’t get confused, just simply press: CTRL+F and then Search the movie name or a part of the movie’s name.


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