How to Create WiFi Hotspot Using the Command Prompt

How to Create WiFi Hotspot Using the Command Prompt

The wireless Hosted Network is a new WLAN feature supported on Windows 7 and Windows 8. It is also supported on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008 R2 with the Wireless LAN Service installed. This feature implements two major functions:
The virtualization of a physical wireless adapter into more than one virtual wireless adapter sometimes referred to as Virtual Wi-Fi.

A software-based wireless access point (AP) sometimes referred to as a SoftAP that uses a designated virtual wireless adapter.

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is a feature in Windows provided through the SharedAccess Service. Strictly speaking, SharedAccess enables network sharing through a computer where the shared network access does not necessarily provide access to the Internet. We use the term ICS and SharedAccess interchangeably in this section, since Internet Connection Sharing is a major scenario for the wireless Hosted Network and the ICS term is better known to the user community.

Wireless Hosted Network is closely tied to ICS to enable both the wireless personal area network (PAN) and the Internet sharing scenarios. This section provides general recommendations to application developers on how to integrate wireless Hosted Network and ICS using the public wireless Hosted Network and ICS APIs.

Steps to Do this task with CMD

Step 1: Open Command Prompt with Admin Access to initiate the process press win key and type cmd, hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter (shortcut to Run as Administrator) 

Step 2 : Check your system if hotspot network is supported by your system or not, For this type the following command 
netsh wlan show drivers

search for " Hosted network supported  : Yes ". If it is in the list you can go further

Step 3: Now You have to make some settings for your hotspot network. Type the following command 
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=hotspot key=password
        here ssid is for network name and key will be your password for hotspot

Step 4: All settings for the task is done :) Now Start the hosted network by issuing the command

netsh wlan start hostednetwork 

Step 5: You can stop the hotspot by the command
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
           you can view the hotspot by the command
netsh wlan show hostednetwork
          to know the current hotspot password issue the command
netsh wlan show hostenetwork setting=security

Step 6: Now the hotspot is created but you have to share your internet connection with it as it is not enabled by default on windows. To put your current internet on sharing,

Go to Control Panel> Network and Sharing Center  and select the current internet connection which you want to share with the created hotspot 

Step 7: Now click on the network you want to share and Go to its properties 

Step 8: After Clicking on properties of the selected network a new window will appear, switch to Sharing tab and tick the first option in the lnetrnet connection sharing list, Now select your hotspot network from the dropdown list, it may be of local area hotspot like name 

After selecting click Ok and close these windows ;)

Your hotspot is created n you can see hotspot network now showing "Internet" instead of "No Network Access"

Share  your Hotspot credentials with your smartphone  ;)

Also there are many tools available to automate the process for you such as UC Browser's WiFi Tool, Connectify

Sharing is Caring


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