Getting Started with Web Development HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap

“Every Accomplishment Starts With The Decision To Try”
Some descriptions of steps you can follow to learn the "Web Development"
  • Learn HTML and CSS - First learn HTML, it hardly take 2 days and it is the most important language for a website development. HTML help you to make the skeleton of your website. And CSS will give a better layout to your website.
    Codecademy is the best free platform to learn HTML and CSS for FREE. Codecademy give you a over view of the content.
  • Instead of going directly to any other language. Firstly, start writing codes in HTML and CSS. And instead of doing it in any IDE, I suggest you to use Brackets. A modern, open source text editor that understands web design. The best thing is, it is FREE.
  • After spending at-least a week. GO for JavaScript.
    Use youtube Channel - The New Boston FREE tutorials for that. They are really good to learn JavaScript.
  • After learning Javascript, start learning its JQuery. Jquery help you to make your website dynamic. After that if you want to go for Node.js, D3.js and React.js than it would be better but they are not mandatory. All three of these are the open source libraries of JavaScript and made your life easy. But as a beginner you can skip them.
  • Bootstrap - Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites. And its is very very IMPORTANT.
    Invest at least 2–3 weeks in learning Bootstrap.
    Use these video tutorials - Foundation for Responsive Web Design for Beginners
  • Now its time to start using IDEs, go for Adobe software. They are not FREE but investing in them helps you and saves a hell lot of time.

     Adobe Dreamweaver CC is a web design and development application that combines a visual design surface known as Live View and a code editor with standard features such as syntax highlightingcode completion, and code collapsing as well as more sophisticated features such as real-time syntax checking and code introspection for generating code hints to assist the user in writing code. The user-interface of Dreamweaver is slightly bulky due to lot of features but it is best than other software available in the market. I recommend you to go for it.

  • 2. Adobe Muse is a product by Adobe Systems. The software is focused on allowing designers to create websites without having to write any code. But it only help you to make static webpages, not dynamic.

  • 3. Adobe Edge Reflow is an application designed to allow for development of responsive web design. Similarly to Adobe Muse, Edge Reflow design is based on the visual layout of a web page, rather than the code that makes it up.

  • After investing around 5 weeks in all the above stuff.
    Its time to learn PHP - PHP will help you to hold the background server programming. Go for codeacademy first and than new boston PHP vidoes.
    Other videos you can see for PHP -
    Introduction to CodeIgniter - Basic Website
    Register & Login

    Don’t go for Python, servers of python are not that cheap. Small scale organization don’t use them yet. So its better to focus on few things first. You need to learn Django, so leave it for later learning.
  • Learn a bit of Database too. Install XAMPP and start learning.
  • Now when you understand all the above, I hope you still have 1 week left. Make your own website to learn how thing happens in real and host it.
    There are many free hosting websites. I recommend you to use - Hostgator. (I am not sure if it works in your country or not. But I am sure there are free hosting websites in your country)
  • Start practicing and if you want to learn more about other technologies. Go for Wordpress plugins and SEO(Search Engine Optimization) which place an important role in website development.
  • You already learn all the important skills to develop a website but to be perfect you need more and more knowledge in different skills. Its a never ending learning process. There's a lot more you need to learn for freelancing than simply building websites, either. I suggest you, start working with a small organization is a good learning step at this stage though. 


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