Guide for Flashing Dead Android Qualcomm Devices with Windows 7/8/10


For flashing Qualcomm Devices with Windows 

You'll need a software known as QFIL

Along with QFIL you'll need to download a very specific ROM supporting your device

or specifically for your device 

XDA forums are best for finding out links for finding a ROM compatible with your device

After the ROM has been successfully downloaded download the drivers for your device if haven't already i.e. (the ADB drivers)

Here in this tutorial we're using Lenovo K3 note and a flash file link associated is also for K3

                           Download Link-K30-W File

Download link for QFIL is below

                           Download Link-Flash Tool

Download link for ADB drivers follow the link below 

                           Download Link-ADB Interface Driver

let's do it ;)

Firstly switch your device off

Then connect your device to the laptop/pc

If it gets loaded as Qualcomm Mass Storage Device, you're good to go

if it doesn't, you may be needed to press and hold volume down key until your device doesn't vibrate

After your device gets connected open the QFIL

It must show your device as in screen attached above i.e. the COM3 port is being used for bridging between the laptop/pc and the smartphone

If your device is connected successfully then you can start flashing process

You have to extract the downloaded ROM compressed files to relative folders

Then select paths according to file locations

Note: If you're getting sahara error, copy the ROM files to same directory where the QFIL is installed

By default it is installed in C:/Program Files/QFIL

after all the files are loaded into  the software you can begin the flashing process by hitting Download

and this software will flash the all new ROM into your device :)

You can do the same with ADB commands or using default boot manager for android devices

but this method helps if your android device is hard bricked or completely dead.

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